©︎Tetsuo Kashiwada
柏田 テツヲ

©︎Tetsuo Kashiwada
1988年 大阪府出身
受賞歴2019年 第42回写真新世紀 佳作 サンドラ・フィリップス氏選2020年 第43回写真新世紀 佳作 瀧本幹也氏選、2021年 JAPAN PHOTO AWARD 受賞 Charlotte Cotton / Mutsuko Ota 選
Using distinctive and contemporary photographic expression, Tetsuo Kashiwada questions the relationship between humans and nature, providing the viewer with a place of awareness, and presenting his own thoughts on environmental issues such as climate change and global warming through his works.
Born in 1988 in Osaka
Awards2019 The 42nd New Cosmos of Photography, Honorable Mention, selected by Sandra Phillips, 2020 The 43rd New Cosmos of Photography, Honorable Mention, selected by Mikiya Takimoto, 2021 JAPAN PHOTO AWARD, selected by Charlotte Cotton / Mutsuko Ota