satoru watanabe

©︎Satoru Watanabe
フランス人の友人が別れ際"à demain"と言って子どものように手を振る。"demain" は明日という意味だと教えてくれた。そういえば、幼い頃友だちと別れるときはいつも「また明日」だった。明日という言葉に懐かしさを覚えた。
A French friend of mine said, “à demain” and waved his hand like a child as we parted. I was told that the word “demain” means “tomorrow” in French. As a matter of fact we used to say “See you tomorrow” when we were small. I felt a little nostalgic with the word “tomorrow”.
When summer vacation started in elementary school, I felt like there was no end and it would last forever. However, as we reached half way through the vacation, I felt the time accelerate and the days seemed to grow short. Never the less, it felt odd when I hear grownups say “A year flies like an arrow”. In those days, the days were longer and a year was seemed like infinity.
After I started to ride a motorcycle, the distance had shortened rapidly. I was born and raised in a land surrounded by mountains and I was amused to find that it was so easy to go over these walls. It was the moment when my sense of time dramatically took a turn.
While I was riding on an inexperienced mountain road, I failed to make a steep curb and went down the road with the motorcycle. The footrest of the motorcycle shoved the pavement and I saw it clearly across my helmet like the vision was in slow motion. It was just a click of a second in actual time.
They say that the passing of time changes when we go through an accident.
They also say that your whole life flashes in front of your eyes in that last split second before death.
A psychologist friend taught me that it is the mind’s attempt to find the best possible solution to ensure survival. Within this very short duration, it analyzes its memory and attempts to find this answer from within a person’s life experience. Time passes relatively slow when the mind is turning at full speed.
A friend who fell off from a snow-covered mountain said his mind flashed back to his childhood days as he was sliding down the slope. He saw himself and his elder brother poking sticks at an anthill. He said “I don’t know why I thought about an anthill when I was about to die” with a wry smile. May be in his brain, sliding down the mountain and the memory of an anthill were connected. From what I hear about other people’s near-death experience, they say that memories do not flash back in sequential order but swarm collectively and are inconclusive. They all say that they felt like there was no end and it would last forever.
I think what I will recall at the brink of my death will be the mundane events in my life. I may recall the time and place of what I had seen or heard, or even the memories of my parents or of others that are buried deep inside me like going through an old photo album.
My late mother began to lose her memories in her later life. She started to think that I was her older brother who had died previously. She used to talk about the poor but happy days after the war with a smile every time that we met. They were truly a mundane episode of life. Her time had stopped sixty years ago.
When she lost all of her memories, her happiness and despair also disappeared. She lost her tongue and sat quietly. For without her memory of the past, she had no future to talk about.
She left a roll of black and white film in a paper tube. When I held it up to the light, I could see a picture of a family sitting around a dining table. It must have been taken on my little sister’s okuihajime ceremony. The ceremony is held roughly three months after a baby’s birth and the child is made to pretend to eat a meal with their parents in the hope that the baby will never need to worry about food during their lifetime. My mother must have taken the picture because my father was holding the baby on his lap and I was with my grandmother.
There was a picture heavily tilted to the left in the roll of film. I made a print because it caught my attention and found my father, little sister, grandmother and mother but not myself in the picture. I was the one who took the picture. It must be the first photograph I have taken. My father was thirty-seven, my mother was twenty-eight, my sister was just newly born and I was four years old. It was a summer from half a century ago.
My father and my mother were much younger than what I am today.
Those were the days when people thought tomorrow was going to be a better day.
In Japan, it is thought from the past that the spirits of the deceased come back at the end of summer. People set offerings in the house and light a revolving lantern to greet the spirits. The lantern revolves endlessly as though it coincides with the ever-shifting world.
It could be a sign that there is no past or future, but it is just the present that exists.

©︎Satoru Watanabe
この話を、僕は20年以上も前に小笠原諸島の父島で会った、小柄で痩せて目つきのギョロッとした白髪のおじさんから聞いた。彼は56歳のときに何の器具も使わず105メートルの深海(deep blue)に潜り「伝説のダイバー」と呼ばれていたジャック・マイヨールだった。
森や山の中を歩くと不意に首筋がひやっとするときがある。それは古来日本において木霊(こだま)と呼ぶ精霊の仕業だとされてきた。自然が豊かな日本における「カミ」の始まりはこうした自然への怖れだったと言われている。民俗学者の柳田國男は、日本におけるカミ は「畏(かしこ)きもの」であると定義した。目に見えぬ存在への怖れ、畏怖。祖母が手を合わせていたのも確かに畏きものであったように思う。そして僕が感じる「エネルギー」というものは、祖母が手を合わせていたものと同じだと思えるようになった。
“According to ancient Hindu philosophy, man is made up of five elements: Earth, Water, Fire, Wind and Ether. The term ‘prana’ means, “wind” in Sanskrit. The wind holds the energy of nature, and we take that energy into our body by breathing in deeply. “ I heard this story twenty years ago from an old skinny man with white hair and wide bulging eyes in Chichi-jima, in the Ogasawara archipelago. He was called the “legendary diver” who, at the age of fifty-six, accomplished the remarkable feat of diving one hundred and five meters into the deep blue sea without the help of any diving equipment.
When I take photographs, I sometimes I feel an invisible energy. I feel as though this energy exists, not only in the nature, but also in lives of each and every thing, including human lives. Whenever I try to express these feelings into words, I recall the term “prana” that the old skinny man used to refer to.
My grandmother was country-bred and she used to pray to everything. There was a magnificent “kamidana,” a miniature Shinto altar, in her room. There were also the gods of water and fire in the kitchen, and she placed offerings of water and salt at her house’s entrance hall and by the toilet. There was also an Inari-jinjya Shrine that was called the “Chinjyu-sama (tutelary god)” that stood on a small hill behind the house. She used to take me there and we prayed with folded hands. I can still remember her saying “Don’t make a wish to gods (kami-sama). Just pray with folded hands.” She folded her hands during sunrise and prayed to the Jizo, the guardian deity of children. She prayed by the roadside and even by the old cherry tree. For her, kami-sama was not something to seek forgiveness from, nor something that made wishes come true. Kami-sama was invisible yet something that existed and was worth folding her hands to.
My father, on the other hand, was the completely opposite of my grandmother and was a self-proclaimed atheist. Although he did participate in seasonal religious services, he did not believe in the existence of kami-sama at all and was reprimanded by my grandmother for saying it out so openly. He was an engineering teacher, and he believed in the law of cause and effect. His motto was “ The world is made up of mathematics,” and his pet saying was “ Results are everything.” It was not easy convincing my father to the contrary because he believed in logic over emotion. He never admitted to things that were unperceivable or things that could not be explained by logic. He did not turn to kami-sama in the same way as my grandmother, but in another way.
Perhaps due to both my grandmother and father’s influences, I try to see things scientifically but do not completely deny the existence of invisible things. I have never seen a kami-sama. I do not think that kami-sama takes human form and presides over everything.
When I take walks in the forest up in the mountains, sometimes I feel a cold sensation on my neck. During olden times in Japan, it is said that this is the act of the spirit called “Kodama.” They say that the origin of gods in Japan was brought about by the fear of the abundance of nature. The folklorist Kunio Yanagita defined gods in Japan as “the subject of fearful reverence.” A fear and dread for an invisible existence. I started to believe that the energy I had felt was the same awesome existence that my grandmother was folding her hands to.
If one is born in this world, it is inevitable that they will eventually cross with ill fortune. The life of my grandmother took a dramatic turn for the worst around the War. Much like sand falling out between her fingers, she lost many precious things before her very eyes. When she finally overcame the tragedy and the hope began to show, she was hit by yet another ordeal. I was told that this cycle repeated itself. The same incidents happened to my father. However, he never blamed others for his misfortune, nor relied on kami’s mercy. He seemed to accept everything in his life solemnly.
I turned fifty-three years old. The frequencies in which I fold my hands together increased; as I grew older, but even until now, I never make a wish.
2015年 屋久島国際写真祭(YPF)招待作家として「prana」を展示 同作品はパリ”What’s up photodoc”Y.P.Fブースにて再展示 ベストギャラリー賞受賞
2011年 Photovision 2011(ギリシャ巡回展)にて「da.gasita」を展示
2009年グリフィン美術館(マサチューセッツ)「Critic's Pick」にて「da.gasita」を展示
2007年Quai Photo ケ・ブランリー美術館(パリ)主催国際フォトビエンナーレ招待作家
Born in Yamagata, Japan in 1961. After he earned his B.A. degree in photography from Nihon University, he worked for a newspaper company for several years. Since then he has been pursuing a career as a professional photographer. He shoots portrait pictures for magazines in Japan and also pictures of his lifework. He is also an author of several books, "Tabisuru Camera (traveling camera) series", about his life as a professional photographer.